Is it really possible to double or even triple your trading account every few months with ridiculously low risk?
Discover The 3 Super Secrets to Profiting with Forex
Trading Even If You’ve Only Lost Money until Now
Here’s what successful Forex trading looks like and you’ll learn how to do the same in just a few moments…

To see our account statement, statistics, detailed graphs, and to verify that our account is real, we use a third party.
That 3rd party is MyfxBook. They take our login details for our broker, login, and verify our account is real, and show you the data they've accumulated from it.
You can review this data, and see that it's verified by clicking the button below...
Watch This Quick Video To See The Skilled Trader In Action!
Click It To Watch Now.
Dear friend,
It is possible.
And can be done automatically.
That means all of your trades can be opened, managed, and closed for you with the skill, accuracy, and safety of a skilled trader.
But unlike other trading systems that “look cool,” then fall flat on their face…
There are 3 important secrets that are necessary to really profit with Forex trading.
Before we jump into those 3 secrets and how this system works, let’s talk about what’s wrong with the Forex industry today.
And why you may be struggling to pull steady passive income because of these issues.
Why is it so DIFFICULT to make money
from the Forex Market?
Believe it or not, it’s really not your fault that you have been struggling to make a healthy profit from the Forex market.
Unfortunately, there are forces that are conspiring against you that want you to fail.
And because of that, most traders do fail, about 95% of them.
But when you finally understand what is being done to prevent you from taking your lion share of profits from the trillion dollar Forex market – you can actually make the right moves.
And that will make you loads of money.
- The kind of money that could set you up for life.
- The kind of money that could set your children and their children up for life.
- The kind of money that can allow you to tell your boss to shove it, then quit.
- The kind of money that gives you absolute freedom to do anything you want in life.

What Your Broker Doesn’t Want You To Know
Most brokers are fighting your strategy.
They will try everything to make it look like the market caused your trades to lose, but in reality it was genius manipulation.
They use tools such as delay, slippage, spread adjustments, and more to hunt your stop loss and close your trades on you.
There is good news, there is a way around this. We’ll cover that shortly.
The other reason you struggle is because there are shady sellers that will try to convince you that they have the golden system that is the answer to your prayers.

Unfortunately, the truth is a lot of these sellers are just scammers with no trading experience, and no real proof.
Typically, they speak broken English. These scammers usually get their system by searching randomly on the internet, find something, and just create fake unverified tests.
They then lie and make promises and you pay them, get stuck with this non-working software and it end up losing money.
It Ends Up Hurting You And Your Family
All you want to do is just make extra income from the Forex market.
And there’s really no reason why you shouldn’t be able to.
There’s literally trillions of dollars traded daily, you can easily have a tiny piece of it and make a nice replacement income.
But instead what happens?
- You end up losing your hard earned money that you desperately need for your family.
- You get into arguments with your husband or wife about finances; they tell you to give up, but deep down you know this really can work for you.
- You blow your trading accounts, which means you are left with nothing, and now you need to work to make that money back.
- You have to go back to work at the miserable 9 to 5 job for your dreaded boss.
- You are even further away from paying off debts and achieving that early retirement.
- And it just keeps going in a circle.
So how do you escape this rat race?
How To Take Back Control Of Your Financial
Future With The Skilled Trader
The truth is Forex is real.
It’s a serious business where plenty of money can be made by you.
And it’s most definitely NOT a scam.
The issue is you just need to know the 3 secrets to prevent brokers from cheating you and to truly win many more trades than you are.
Let me introduce you to The Skilled Trader.

The Skilled Trader is a bulletproof automated trading system that dynamically adjusts to market conditions through instant, free updates performed by an experienced trader.
It’s been developed to utilize and maximize the 3 secrets of successful Forex trading that we will discuss in a moment.
These 3 secrets that actually work to allow you to beat the Forex market without being sabotaged by your broker.
Here’s what is possible when you utilize these 3 secrets that are built into The Skilled Trader:

To see our account statement, statistics, detailed graphs, and to verify that our account is real, we use a third party.
That 3rd party is MyfxBook. They take our login details for our broker, login, and verify our account is real, and show you the data they've accumulated from it.
You can review this data, and see that it's verified by clicking the button below...

The 3 secrets are about following the “big money” and applying intelligent risk to build a nice upward account growth that is not impacted by slippage and spreads.
This creates profits you can actually count on.
The THREE Secrets
1. Follow the BIG money – The big money, as in the banks, massive funds, and countries, cannot just go in and out of a currency trades within seconds. They have too much money; it’s not possible to fill those trades.
So these big money guys have to buy or sell a currency and hold on to them for a reasonable time, because of liquidity issues. If they close out too fast it could cause them to lose money.
This means their best strategy and course of action is to create trends and trade into the trends. Wait long enough, cash out, and then usually it triggers a reversal of the trend – or at least a pullback.
If it’s not a reversal and just a pullback, then you must close out your trade and get back in the trade at the correct direction.
Instead of trying to time this yourself, which would require you to stare at the screen for hours on end and be on high alert…
The Skilled Trader can do this for you automatically. It follows trades with the trend, and will close trades on trend changes and pullbacks.
It will then re-assess and act dynamically based on the situation and handle it accordingly. It essentially rides the trends for you and works around pullbacks and trend reversals.
Here’s a basic concept of how The Skilled Trader is reading the chart…

2. Manage the Risk – When we say manage the risk we aren’t talking about a simple concept of choosing a lot size or bet size that is reasonable.
It’s about trade frequency, risk to reward of trades, and awareness of market changes.
What does that mean?
It means controlling the number of trades you have open at a time determines your risk.
It means that trades that close with small and limited losses, but generally win bigger than those losses, statistically places odds of profiting in your favor.
It means being aware when a sudden change occurs in the market, then adjusting and adapting to that change in order to remain profitable.
The Skilled Trader takes into account all these risk factors and automatically manages them for you. Nothing for you to worry about, nothing to figure, nothing to change.
3. Adapt to Market – The key to staying profitable is having a natural ability to identify when markets are changing. Markets tend to move in cycles usually trending or sideways.
These changes happen because of relevant news in the world that changes the cycle. Cycles tend to last for lengthy periods of time, then change. This is why many systems work for a while and then stop.
This can easily be catered to if a system identifies and adapts to these changes with internal adjustments that consider changes in the range of the market and direction.
A lot of people get stuck in one cycle and end up over committing and lose their whole account, when it seemed like they would never fail.
The Skilled Trader’s use of managing risk and its ability to detect and adapt to these market changes, make it a powerful force of low risk profit…

All 3 Of These Secrets Are Built
Into The Skilled Trader System
All 3 of these secrets that we just discussed are built into The Skilled Trader and automatically done for you.
That means not only is the trading fully automated where it opens, manages, and closes trades for you, but it also trades with the big money, manages risk well, and adapts to the market.
ALL automatically done for you.

These secrets and strategies sound simple, but no one ever follows them.
You’ve probably heard the saying “Buy low, Sell high” – if not it refers to the stock market where you sell stocks when they are high, then buy them when they are low.
It sounds logical and simple to do, but most people end up buying higher and selling low. This is because of human emotion: fear, not sticking to a solid strategy, and not having the right information.
Instead, with The Skilled Trader…
- It takes out all the emotion and makes all the decisions for you.
- Eliminates your stress and concern because it’s managing your risk intelligently and still growing your account balance.
- It doesn’t require you to be tech savvy or a trader, it’s literally beginner friendly.
- Does everything automatically for you, it’s completely set and forget.
Take A Peak Inside The Brain Of The Skilled Trader
Inside the brain of The Skilled Trader are various tools that make it so successful that is has been capable of multiplying live trading accounts with reduced risk exposure.
Let’s discuss those tools now…
Express & Auto Updates
The Skilled Trader attaches to your trading platform and is completely automated. What makes it even more unique is that it connects to our servers and receives automatic settings updates and algorithm updates too.
This means you don’t have to worry about evolving or adjusting to market changes. All you really need to do is set your desired trade size and count your winning trades and money thereafter.
Specific & Carefully Selected Trading Pairs
At this time The Skilled Trader successfully trades on EURUSD, GBPUSD, and XAUUSD (Gold). You can make money from Gold without having to buy and hold it.
With auto updates, pairs can and will be added over time. This would of course be automated and you wouldn’t have to do anything to get them.

Iron Clad Resistance to Broker Slippage, Delays, and High Spreads
Even with brokers trying to manipulate your account with the use of slippage, which means they cause your trade to enter at a different price, or delays on execution of trades, or even high spreads…
It doesn’t stop The Skilled Trader’s stable and consistent strategy from successfully building your income.
This is because the system flows with the big money, but also aims for larger profit wins on each and every trade.
So unlike other systems, the trade entry will still be valid, but even if it costs you a little extra money to get in at the wrong price, the profit on your trades will significantly outweigh any broker manipulation.
The system also avoids brokers from stop loss hunting, which is when your trade gets closed out, before going in the right direction. This is avoided easily, because of the breathing room allowed on trades, while still avoiding high stop loss.
Trend Trading With Volatility Component
Although The Skilled Trader is designed to take advantage of trends, it is well aware of sideways markets and volatility.
Because of this, it is able to fully function and profit from varying conditions. If you check out our live public trading account, you can see it’s been profitable for many months.
If you look at those months, the markets have cycled through volatile, sideways, trending, etc. And it thrived in all of them.
That means you won’t have to worry about changing markets!
The Number 1 Most Common Request from Traders
The Skilled Trader was developed and is entirely updated and maintained by a professional trading group with a combined experience of dozens of years and specialization in analytical trading.
They focus full time on examining the trading markets, spotting patterns, and following the flow of the major sources of money.
This has lead them to develop and automate The Skilled Trader, which they use to manage their own private trading funds with and also as of recently…
They now allow you full access to use The Skilled Trader on your own trading account with full automation and auto adapting technology.
The biggest request, we’ve had from traders is they want to…
As you know the more risk you have the more reward.
And the less risk you have the less reward. But what if The Skilled Trader is different?
What if you could have fairly low risk and massive reward? How would that sound to you?
That’s exactly what The Skilled Trader team figured out, just check this out…

To see our account statement, statistics, detailed graphs, and to verify that our account is real, we use a third party.
That 3rd party is MyfxBook. They take our login details for our broker, login, and verify our account is real, and show you the data they've accumulated from it.
You can review this data, and see that it's verified by clicking the button below...

What You Get With The Skilled Trader Membership
Since you’ve made it this far I’m assuming you want to get in on the action and start yielding the kind of profits that our team is doing.
And that’s great we are more than happy to work with you.
Here is what you get access to when you join us today...
You get full access to The Skilled Trader software. The same exact software used on our live accounts. It requires no settings adjustments other than risk, works on a minimum of 3 trading pairs with more coming if they haven’t already.
The software will automatically check with our servers for any new pairs, perform strategy adjustments, and settings changes. You literally don’t have to do anything. It does all the adapting and updating for you. That means you remain profitable and evolve with the market.
While the software is advanced, it’s easy to install and setup within minutes. Detailed graphic manuals, recommendations, and more are included so you can get setup fast, regardless of your experience level.
Most important we’ve found is service and support. Without having a team to help you and be there for you can cause frustration and cost you time and money. That’s why we fully dedicate ourselves to help you anyway we can with the software and any other issue or concern you may have. You can reach out to us anytime and we’ll be there.
Join The Skilled Trader Right Now…
As you probably realized access to The Skilled Trader software isn’t free. And that’s for good reason. There’s 3 important reasons why, here they are…
1. Operating advanced software like this is a full time business. There are hosting costs, software maintenance, support staff costs, developers, and more.
2. Why don’t we just use it ourselves make money and not share it with the world? Sure we could do that. But it doesn’t do us any good or you. By releasing The Skilled Trader into the world, we not only help you make money, but we also help ourselves make more money from trading and from sales.
It’s no different than top traders and fund managers like Warren Buffet, Bill Ackman, or Carl Icahn. These guys are professional traders with billions of dollars of their own money and some of them have billions of client money as well.
They could easily fire their clients and continue making millions or more, but they don’t. Because it’s a poor mindset to think that people keep their trading software and skills away from others even if they make tons of money from it themselves.
Believe it or not, we do want to help you succeed, but it takes some money to make money!
3. Unfortunately, free isn’t realistic in this world. Anything valuable or worth having in life requires money or hard work. But more important, we can’t possibly just give away our software for free, which would attract thousands of people. It would result in overloaded servers, excessive amounts of support requests, and who knows what else.
By charging for our software we are able to deliver a higher quality service, support, and upgrades.
But here’s the good news.
We still want to make our software affordable so you can prosper with it.
And we want it to be able to pay for itself, meaning we want you to be able to earn back all the money you paid for our software…
And then 10x even 100x your investment and keep growing from there.
Just like this chart, which shows you what is possible with your investment…

There are 2 plans you can choose from.
You can pay for a 3 month membership for $247. Or if you pay a year up front it’s only $497. You save almost 50% by paying a year up front!
Choose your plan below, then click BUY NOW to get started…
- The Skilled Trader Automated Software
- Updates Included
- Full Hands on Support
- 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
- The Skilled Trader Automated Software
- Updates Included
- Full Hands on Support
- 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
- The Skilled Trader Automated Software
- Updates Included
- Full Hands on Support
- 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Our Guarantee That You Will Have Absolute Massive Success
with The Skilled Trader Or Your Money Back
Your success with The Skilled Trader is absolutely imperative. We want to see you not only make money, but make a very nice amount of it and continue to grow.
Our vision is to help you continue to build profits and withdraw them so you can remain a member and use the cash to fund your life, pay off debts, pay for vacations, finally fix up your house, and eventually fire your boss.
We are absolutely confident that The Skilled Trader will work for you, but just in case you are skeptical. If for any reason within 30 days of your purchase you are not satisfied, just send us a quick email let us know…
And we’ll refund you. It can be for any reason at all.
Your Last Chance To Double Or Even Quadruple Your
Account's Profit Every Few Months With Low Account Risk
You’ve seen our verified live account with small risk…

To see our account statement, statistics, detailed graphs, and to verify that our account is real, we use a third party.
That 3rd party is MyfxBook. They take our login details for our broker, login, and verify our account is real, and show you the data they've accumulated from it.
You can review this data, and see that it's verified by clicking the button below...

You’ve learned all you need to know about The Skilled Trader and how it follows the big money and auto adapts to markets.
You’ve discovered that this software practically works on almost any broker without issues.
And you’ve learned that this software can continue to compound your investment over and over so you can free yourself from debt, your job, and get all the luxuries you want in life.
But the only way this will happen is if you actually take action now.
If you don’t take action, absolutely nothing in your life will change, and you will continue on the path you are on.
So if you are ready to have your money work for you with a truly adaptable system that is proven to work…
With full support and beginner friendly, then click the button below and let’s get started!
Choose your plan below, then click BUY NOW to get started…
- The Skilled Trader Automated Software
- Updates Included
- Full Hands on Support
- 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
- The Skilled Trader Automated Software
- Updates Included
- Full Hands on Support
- 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
- The Skilled Trader Automated Software
- Updates Included
- Full Hands on Support
- 30 Day Money Back Guarantee