Brand New Forex Software Gets You Automatic Monthly Gains Of 2.5% Profit Safely OR Up To 400% Profit Per Year Aggressively Even In The Worst Market Conditions!
And the best part is, it's been proven to generate 500 to 1000 pips per month
IN PROFIT during one of the most recent, brutal economic events in history...
Here's what's required to succeed with it:
- NO thinking...
- NO guessing...
- NO screen watching...
- NO nail-biting... and... best of all...

Dear Trader,
I hate BS as much as you do...
So I'm not going to waste your time trying to pull a fast one.
You've been through enough of that crap already.
That's why I've rigged this page with so much PROOF you'll be begging for a time-out.
And that's OK with me because...
I Want You To Be Convinced Without Doubt That
My Software Can Indeed Make You Money On...
So, if you've never traded a day in your life, perfect.
With this, you WON'T need any trading experience.
Neither will you need to learn how to read charts.
Nor will you need to spend time peering into your computer screen.
On the other hand, if you have been trading for a while but you're not having much luck...
If you're being slaughtered by loss... after loss... after loss... you can begin turning that around TODAY.
In a minute, I'll tell you why you've been losing.
But first, take a look at this:
2.5% Per Month In Conservative Trading

( MyfxBook is a third party service that verifies the validity of an account by gaining
access via our password. Click the image above this text to see the verified page )
And that's being conservative.
Now, if you're a REAL renegade, you could potentially bag over...
200% - 400% Profit Within a Year!
Yes, you would be averaging about 20% - 40% per month. And I'm not blowing hot air, either.
Here's proof:

(I'll talk about that later).
Do you think your bank could have given you a return like that?
How much interest did they give you last year?
1% for the WHOLE year?
What a joke.
I felt like a joke a few years ago, when, after looking at the interest I received on my
statement at the customer service counter of my bank, I stepped outside, and the bank manager roared past me in the parking lot in his late model Audi.
So that's where my money goes?
To prop up perks?
To feed the fat cats?
It was my money 'they' churned so many times to generate outrageous returns to give Mr Manager that toy.
And what did I get?
Right then and there, I made the decision to become MY own bank.
My OWN profit machine.
To enjoy all the spoils by MYSELF!
Who Am I?
Hi. My name is Lance Hunter.
Years ago, I was pretty much like you.
I was...
- Hungry for CHANGE in fortune...
- Hungry for AUTOMATED income and...
- Hungry for the FREEDOM that comes with it.
I found Forex but sucked at it.

I was so desperate to become a trading God that I bought everything I could get my hands on... I attended seminars... I watched boring DVDs... and I even paid $5,000 for one on one coaching.
And the results?
Nothing but a maxed out credit card and 8 blown trading accounts.
It wasn't until I wiped the slate clean and developed my OWN simple strategy - I started winning consistently.
It was so good that people who saw my results asked me to coach them.
I enjoyed trading the way I did and I relished interacting with students.
But there was a painful trade-off: I had to sit in front of the computer for about 10-12 hours almost everyday!
Where’s the joy in that?
You see, I had quit my job to become a full-time trader but I still was NOT free.
I'd Become A Slave To The Forex Market
Instead of It Being MY Slave...
When I looked in the mirror, there was a reflection of someone with cherry red, bloodshot eyes saddled with bags underneath them...
Plus, I started feeling pangs of pain in my back, most likely produced by hunching over too much to peer into the screens...
...I became overweight... and, gosh, I just got sick and tired of being cooped up in the house all day.
I Didn’t Want To Make Money & Not Enjoy Life...
I wanted to enjoy vacations away in the Caribbean... Europe... Asia... traveling first-class... living it up in luxury five-star hotels...
I wanted two or three nice cars parked up in my driveway... the mortgage-free home... fine dining... fine clothes... yeah... the good life.
But what I was doing was the opposite of my dreams.
It felt like a J-O-B... and something HAD to change.
The breakthrough came when...
The Student Helped The Master
Here's what happened:
One of my students, Kumar, is an IT programmer by profession.
He was desperate to flee his 9-5.
I remember the day quite well.
After I had shown him the strategy I was using, he said, "I can easily automate this. This is nothing."
That was music to my ears. Within 4 days, I got an email from Kumar with the subject line...
"It's Ready"
This was in June 2016 during the volatile Brexit debacle happening over in Europe.
It was the PERFECT time to see how it would perform under chaotic economic events.
And the results?
Check these out...

Impressive, huh?
Introducing… Star Trader
It's based purely on RSI & CCI, trading overbought & oversold zones on higher time frames aligned with the current macro trend.
As I said earlier, it was thoroughly tested using TickData during the Brexit period.
Over that time, the account went down about 2000 pips.
On the other hand, it gained 500-1000 pips per month on average, over 2 months. Overall, it posted a positive return!
It trades on the EUR/USD and USDJPY but it can be optimized to trade other pairs.

Serious tests, however, must be made to get the best parameters before going live for other pairs.
You know, it still shocks me to think how much time I spent before, feeling frustrated, plagued by trial and error… and how easy it is to produce profits now.
This is truly every trader’s dream...
And I have no reservations about sharing it with anyone because I’m not stricken with a poverty mindset like so many other successful traders out there.
They somehow feel that once their secret gets out, they're going to lose a huge chunk of the pie.
There’s more than enough to go around for you, me, and everyone else who wants it– so why should I feel threatened?
I’m doing for you what I wished someone could’ve done for me when I just started out.
How easy it would’ve been to change my fortune.
And I’m sure it will excite you to know that you can just…
Let The System Automatically Place Trades
For You As You Go About Your Day...
But here's what's unique about STAR TRADER...
If you've been trading for a while you will understand this: Have you ever seen a setup on your chart you KNOW couldn't lose?
I mean... a blatant textbook trade... where you are literally at the right place, at the right time?
It's like having a hand full of aces, you're flush, and you want to go all in with your chips!
You set up your pending orders or place the trade at market then leave because you know you've got it in the bag.
But when you check back a couple hours later, what do you see?
Surprise, surprise.
You lost.
Yeah, you got sucker punched by a "spike".

That's caused by the release of news, government intervention, an unexpected global event, or just bad timing.
STAR TRADER, on the other hand, will either navigate its way to profit on open trades or take advantage of these long candles by pinpointing where to enter and exit new trades.
This is the difference between traders who look stressed and worn out (as I was) and traders who look relaxed, with lots of free time.
With software like this that does all the heavy lifting why would you need to trade manually?
But that's not all.
It gets even better...
You Can Double, Triple Or Quadruple
Your Returns With Just A Few Clicks
Star Trader was originally designed for long term, slow, steady gains despite market conditions.
But if "slow and steady" is too tame for you, you can certainly set STAR TRADER to trade in beast mode with strict risk management.
Check these out:

Now that you have read and seen PROOF of what STAR TRADER can do the only thing left for you to do is...
Try STAR TRADER For Yourself
Because I could write forever about the wonders of it; I could show you a million screenshots; but it wouldn't mean a thing unless you test it yourself.
You know that's true.
So here's the deal: Order Star Trader right now for as little as $197, open a demo account, and watch the returns pile up until you say "Yes, this works!!!"...
If you have the cash to spare, deposit $1,000 ( or whatever amount you are comfortable with ) and...
Let STAR TRADER Make You Money
From The Very First Day!
Because, however you look at it, you can't lose. You'll still get your money back AND you're protected by my take-it-straight-to-the-bank money-back guarantee:

Start using Star Trader today with absolutely no risk and decide if it’s right for you. That means you can gain access right now, install it to your demo or live account and let it run and watch how it does.
If for any reason you find that it’s not a good fit for you – then send us a quick email and let us know, and we’ll refund you right away. It’s that easy.

Our website is dedicated to bringing together the best and brightest traders in the industry. We do our best to test and verify all systems that we offer on our website. Although, we are confident in the systems we list, not all systems are right for everyone. If for any reason you want a refund we will ensure you are refunded even if we have to pay you out of our own pocket.
Now Imagine This...
It's a year from now.
You're somewhere exotic like the Amalfi coast in Italy.
Profits from STAR TRADER paid for your first-class ticket to get there.
You're snapping selfies with a loved one who accompanied you.
You're posting them on social media.
Everyone who's viewing your photos are all liking and commenting on your posts.

They remember when you were chained to your 9-5, and, now, they can see your amazing transformation.
You look relaxed. Happy. There's a sparkle in your eye.
And the coolest thing is STAR TRADER is making money for you while you do all this.
You took the plunge and it's paying off.
It can be that way for you.
This can be your life.
You Have 2 Choices Before You
You could, of course, snub my offer and continue struggling with FOREX while embracing your lack of freedom
You can simply say "YES"... and join the ranks of freedom hunters who crave to live life on their terms
If you're as smart as I think you are, the only thing left to do now is...
Get Access To STAR TRADER NOW, risk-free for 30 days.
Just pick your plan and sign up below.
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- License Valid for 1 Year
- 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
- Vendor + LeapFX Support
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- License Valid for Life
- 30 Day Money Back Guarantee